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There is a Better Way To Take Accredited Online Paralegal Classes

Posted by Eric H. Happe

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Jul 16, 2012 4:13:00 PM

Paralegal Studies OnlineThe Center’s online teaching technology focuses on improving all aspects of paralegal education. The objective is to engage more students in exciting new ways, on their terms and devices. Professors can connect with students more effectively, so students stay informed, involved and collaborative. 

Paralegal student Amy Osterloh explained how the college’s online technology specifically helped her in one of her classes, “...after completing a degree (at) a 4 year university (and) years of real estate classes, this class has prepared and exposed me to more helpful information that I have been able to absorb and carry with me to the classes ahead.” She continued, “I absolutely love the online format, and my concern with not feeling close to the teacher and classmates due to a virtual classroom have been completely alleviated. I have grown close with my classmates, and even though we don't agree on everything, we are still able to have civil and mature debates on laws and issues that could be very polarizing.”

She revealed, “I actually enjoyed the Library Scavenger Hunt more than I thought I would, and it ... made the research process virtually painless and fun!.” She said, “I can honestly say, that for the first time in my life I ... LOOKED FORWARD to class! This is saying a lot since I have never liked school or classes of any kind, and that fear has kept me out of the classroom for many years.”

Amy summed up by adding, “I think Shakespeare said it best in this quote from Romeo and Juliet. It seems like yesterday we were just nymphs embarking on our paralegal studies, minds full of ideas and 1st discussion questions abound(ing).” She said, “We exit our Legal Research and Writing class with a newfound understanding of the principles and techniques needed for the challenging road ahead.”

Topics: online classes, technology

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