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The Road to Becoming a Freelance / Virtual Paralegal

Posted by Eric H. Happe

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Sep 7, 2018 12:16:05 PM

Center for Advanced Legal Studies would like to thank Amanda DeVincenzo of DeVincenzo Consulting for her wonderful presentation on September 4, 2018 regarding the many opportunities to work as virtual and freelance paralegals. CALS would also like to thank Crystal Cornett and Paralegal's Connect for helping organize and present this seminar. Thank you Crystal and all the members of Paralegal's Connect who attended. 

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About Amanda DeVincenzo

Amanda DeVincenzo owns her own freelance business, DeVincenzo Consulting, providing virtual paralegal services to sole practitioners and boutique law firms. Amanda also offers professional mentoring and training to other paralegals aspiring to pave their own career path. 

Before going out on her own, Amanda spent 10 years as a Senior Paralegal in the private and public sectors specializing in family, civil, criminal, immigration, and transactional law. Most recently, she worked as a Business Processes Analyst for the Oregon Judicial Department revising statewide policies and procedures to transition court staff into a paperless world. 

Amanda earned her Master’s in Public Policy and Administration from Northwestern UniversityBachelor’s in Sociology from University of Oregon, and Associates’ in Paralegal Studies and Journalism from Southwestern College. 

Amanda takes full advantage of her freedom from the 8-5 stuffy environment and revels in packing up her laptop and traveling the world with her husband. You can reach Amanda at DeVincenzoConsulting@gmail.com or on LinkedIn at www.linkedin.com/in/amandadevincenzo.

Topics: seminars and CLE, career, paralegal skills

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