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6 Important Reasons to Utilize College Career Services

Posted by Tami Riggs

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Mar 22, 2022 1:00:00 PM

Career-Counseling-AdobeStock_108626043Do you want greater visibility as a job candidate? Then take full advantage of the range of resources being offered by your college career center. Doing so can extend your learning experience well beyond the classroom. A one-time interaction to spruce up a resume or prepare a cover letter will not give most students everything they need. Many can benefit from additional preparation in navigating from campus to career, whether they are seeking their first professional position or rejoining the workforce after earning a degree.

Conducting a job search without professional guidance can be both intimidating and stressful. Students and graduates who establish a relationship with career service offices have deeper and more meaningful conversations about their professional goals and how to achieve them. These conversations are core to the full student experience and equally important to graduate success and career readiness as the curriculum. Comprehensive services offered by these offices can enable students to plan and navigate their career path, make self-assessments, identify sought-after attributes, and take inventory of their relevant skillset and background experience.

Landing a good job and having a meaningful career are critical factors in any decision a student makes to enroll in college. While most career advisors may not have positions at the ready to put graduates into, they do have the ability to help graduates identify skills and contacts necessary to get hired. Too often, I find that graduates misunderstand the relationship. A career services office should not be seen as an entity exclusively responsible for a positive employment outcome, but it can provide numerous resources to ensure graduate success.

Here is why you should take advantage of your college career center:

  • Career counseling in colleges and universities is usually free!
  • In addition to resume writing and cover letter preparation, career services professionals can assist with outreach, recommendations, interview coaching, and navigating complex discussions and questions.
  • Career advisors understand the industry and are experienced in the field of job placement and career goals.
  • An expansive external employer and recruiter constituency is available along with access to jobs that may be unadvertised, which can lead to stronger connections and opportunities – faster.
  • Employers and recruiters partner with career service offices to seek early career talent and experienced alumni who have more developed skills.
  • These partnerships give insight into expected learning achievements as well as abilities employers value the most.

Career service offices offer many resources to aid with professional development.
Become involved, and actively participate. Be proactive in reaching out, and then stay in touch! Education is the first step to finding professional success. The steps that follow are equally important.

Personalized career services at Center for Advanced Legal Studies are available to assist student alumni in their pursuit of a paralegal position. We can help you advance in the profession! Contact us today at paralegal.edu to learn more about our resources, accredited paralegal programs, and class start dates.

Tami Riggs 125px Tami Riggs
Director of Outreach and Career Services

Tami has an extensive and varied professional background that spans criminal justice, paralegal education, and international school marketing and communication. Her career has been guided by a focus on developing strategic partnerships that facilitate school growth and student opportunity. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice from Texas State University.

Topics: graduates and alumni, career, featured

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