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Tami Riggs

Tami Riggs has an extensive and varied professional background that spans criminal justice, paralegal education, and international school marketing and communication. Her career has been guided by a focus on developing strategic partnerships that facilitate school growth and student opportunity. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Degree in Criminal Justice from Texas State University.
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Resume Screening – Stand Out or Be Passed Over

Posted by Tami Riggs

Jun 5, 2024 12:30:00 PM

CartoonStock_612727_CS575715 1000x1132A resume plays a huge role in whether a candidate lands in the “Do Not Interview” pile. Experience, education, and competencies included in a resume should demonstrate a reason for a prospective employer to conduct an interview. However, many job seekers showcase non-relevant details that have no direct correlation to workplace-useful skills, or they overload their documents with ineffective content. This takes up prime real estate on the page and reduces the space available to illustrate concrete value. Interviewers may pass on a resume if they must put extra effort into verifying a candidate’s primary location, qualifications, and background.

First resume impressions (positive or negative) take less than 15 seconds! That’s a small amount of time to make a big impact. An influential resume will quickly tell a story about the candidate: who they are, what they offer, where they gained skills, why they should be interviewed, and how they could contribute if hired. Resumes can make a candidate stand out or be passed over.

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Topics: credentials, career, featured

Paralegal Certificate vs Paralegal Certification - Let’s clear up the confusion!

Posted by Tami Riggs

Mar 12, 2024 8:00:00 AM

Certificate vs Certified 1200x700A paralegal certificate or degree is often required to qualify for paralegal job opportunities. Earning an academic credential significantly enhances employment opportunities for anyone seeking to diversify their career portfolio and showcase their qualifications for a legal position. Paralegals can obtain formal education through a training program like those available at Center for Advanced Legal Studies to earn a paralegal certificate or degree. Once paralegals have achieved a requisite level of education and experience, they may choose to seek a paralegal designation and become certified. Several national associations offer certification opportunities. However, paralegals who do not pursue certification through one of these associations are just as likely to enjoy long-term, career success. Paralegals are qualified to perform their responsibilities by completing an educational program, receiving training on the job, or through actual work experience.1 A distinct advantage exists for paralegals who begin their career by earning an academic credential. As they progress, certification can add value to the expertise previously acquired through education, training, and experience.

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Topics: paralegal certificate, paralegal degree, credentials, career, certification, education and training, featured

Video Interviewing – Fail It or Nail It

Posted by Tami Riggs

Feb 22, 2024 12:15:00 PM

Video-job-interview_smMany employers have candidates present their qualifications in a video call before inviting them for an onsite interview. This was precipitated in large part by the COVID-19 pandemic. Now, remote interviews during early rounds have become standard practice in the recruiting and hiring process. They are a strategic tool used by employers to screen a wider pool of candidates with more scheduling flexibility and fewer delays and cancellations. Not only do they save hiring managers time and overhead, but they also assess an applicant’s IT savviness and credible technical skills with platforms like Zoom, Skype, and Teams. This can be particularly important for hybrid and remote positions. Video calls are equally beneficial to those who interview because they eliminate commute concerns, parking difficulties, and waiting in queues. Virtual meetings hold as much value as in-person meetings before final interviews, yet there can be downsides.

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Topics: career, featured

Landing An Interview Without Exact Experience

Posted by Tami Riggs

May 18, 2023 2:00:00 PM

Law or Business Job Interview

Landing An Interview Without Exact Experience

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Topics: credentials, career, featured

The Truth About Lying on a Resume – It Can Kill Your Candidacy

Posted by Tami Riggs

Mar 14, 2023 11:00:00 AM

Bad-Resume-AdobeStock_219314771There is no place for inaccuracy on a resume or application, whether by fabrication, embellishment, or omission. Don’t make stuff up, twist information, or distort details to gain an advantage. This constitutes professional fraud. While a company is unlikely to pursue legal action in response to a bad-faith misrepresentation, it can be at risk of legal liabilities related to negligent hiring practices in some instances. Purposeful inaccuracies discovered on a resume will almost always result in a candidate being removed from the hiring pool. Any deception discovered post-hire, even many years into tenure, may also result in termination.

Below are 10 ways job seekers commonly adulterate their resumes and applications:

  1. Misrepresent prior employment or duration
  2. Omit jobs or the reasons for leaving them
  3. Falsify job titles or responsibilities
  4. Overstate involvement in or contributions to a project
  5. Exaggerate the level of education attained
  6. Claim to hold a degree, certification, or licensure not earned
  7. Inflate mastery of skills and abilities
  8. Assert conversational knowledge of a second language as fluency
  9. Overinflate salary history
  10. Give fake references
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Topics: graduates and alumni, credentials, career, featured

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