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Behind the Hiring Scenes – What Interviewers Won’t Tell You

Posted by Tami Riggs

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Apr 19, 2021 2:00:00 PM


Sometimes you are not the strongest candidate or the best fit. Sometimes it is not your fault. But sometimes it is. Here are the top 10 reasons you might not be getting hired.

  1. You arrive late or far too early. Punctuality says a lot about your personality and work style. Arriving timely, or a few minutes early, demonstrates that you pay attention to important details and that you value others’ time.
  2. You don’t look the part, or you smell bad. The way you dress, groom, and smell says a lot about you before you ever speak. Do not show up unpolished to an interview, and avoid strong odors, such as smoke and heavy fragrances, which could be objectionable to the interviewer.
  3. You are more concerned about what is in it for you. Asking about compensation, personal leave, or other benefits, requesting to work special hours or to work from home certain days, or insisting on time off to take care of other commitments, etc. should be avoided in the early recruitment stages.
  4. You are not articulate or well-spoken. Poor grammar and careless speech habits can lead an interviewer to unflattering conclusions about you. Do not interrupt or talk over the interviewer. Abstain from misspeaking words (athlete vs. ath-a-lete), and avoid expressions like “ain’t” and nonword fillers like “um.”
  5. You belittle prior employers, or you are rude to the interviewer and office staff. Refrain from comments and behavior that might cause the interviewer to question your honesty, your integrity, or your character.
  6. Your Facebook, LinkedIn, or other accounts contain political posts, public arguments, or pictures of you in less than desirable situations. Employers will view your social footprint to determine if your extracurricular activities could spill over into the office. Be mindful that your public persona is not in conflict with your professional one.
  7. You don’t review the company website or other collaterals. Employers want to hire candidates who know about their organization and who have thought about ways they can contribute.
  8. You are not prepared. Be able to discuss how you can apply your talents and experience in prior roles to the position. Ask compelling questions, and avoid canned responses. Know something about the job, and share ideas about how your skills are relevant.
  9. You don’t send a follow-up email. Take a moment to thank an interviewer for their time and express your appreciation. This is another opportunity to make a favorable expression, to tell the employer you want the job, and to demonstrate how your background is well-suited to the role.
  10. You have no references. Having 3-4 solid references who can attest to your experience, work habits, character, and skill set can bolster your credibility.

Center for Advanced Legal Studies has a dedicated career services department to help its graduates avoid job search pitfalls and connect them with opportunities post-graduation. Getting hired as a paralegal depends not only on having the training, knowledge, and skills to be proficient in the job but also on being adept at navigating the interviewing process from start to finish. Interested in a paralegal career? Contact us today at www.paralegal.edu to learn more about our programs and upcoming class start dates. We can help prepare you for success in the legal field! Give us a call or text at 713-529-2778.

Tami Riggs 125px Tami Riggs
Director of Outreach and Career Services

Tami has an extensive and varied professional background that spans criminal justice, paralegal education, and international school marketing and communication. Her career has been guided by a focus on developing strategic partnerships that facilitate school growth and student opportunity. She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice from Texas State University.

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